Digital Marketing Agency vs Freelancer: Which Suits Your Business?

Stuck between a digital marketing agency vs freelancer?

In the emerging business landscape, the need for an online presence has become vital to make your business visible to a huge audience. Therefore, the need for digital marketing services has become inevitable. However, before taking up the services, many business owners and people are confused about whether they should hire a digital marketing agency or a freelancer. Which will work better for them? So, let’s clear their confusion here through this blog, where will discuss the difference between a digital marketing agency vs freelancer. Read the blog to know more.

Understand about Digital Marketing Agency vs Freelancer

Before opting for the services, it is necessary to make a proper decision, considering various factors such as the type of business, type of tasks, and commitments towards your work. Thus, a deep analysis and a proper understanding of both is essential. When you opt for an agency, they will help you understand every fundamental required to scale up your business; they’ll explain to you what digital marketing is, what all comes under digital marketing, and what SEO is or how SEO works. From everything pin to car. This is the benefit the agency provides. However, let’s explore more for a better understanding.

What Is a Digital Marketing Agency?

A digital marketing agency comprises a set of employees working on different marketing activities for the clients. Each member has a specialisation and skill set for which they earn monetary benefits. They carry out a wide range of marketing activities for different projects like social media marketing, email marketing, content writing, graphic designing, business consulting, and other marketing activities. These agencies work very closely with the clients to know their objectives and set realistic goals that are easier for them to achieve.

When to Go with a Digital Marketing Agency?

You should be aware of your company’s objectives and needs and thus look further into taking the next step. If you are looking for comprehensive services with multiple benefits, which are complex and continuous, then opting for the agency is a better option for your business. However, you can derive the following benefits.

Get Expert Solutions 

Hiring a digital marketing agency is something beyond a mere service. They have a comprehensive plan for your business with amazing and effective strategies and guaranteed results. Here, you get expert solutions for your business with diverse skills and have the opportunity to work with professionals who are more dedicated to your business goals.

A Team of Skilled Marketers

Working with skilled marketers helps you gain a lifelong experience of ideal business ideas, which could also be helpful in later parts of your life. They will help you reiterate your vision as they will be aligned in understanding your business needs so that they can go on well and determine which will be best for your business.

Also Read: What Is the Importance of Backlinks in SEO?

Access Premium Tools 

Working with an agency provides you with the benefit of obtaining results in state-of-the-art tools and other amazing software to enhance your services. However, in the case of freelancing, they might not have access to such advanced tools. Thus, these cost-effective premium tools help manage campaigns efficiently.


Several digital marketing agencies help provide appropriate scalability to decide if their current marketing efforts are enough to bring the targeted or the desired results that they have planned for their business. They help you to sort it out if you really want to ramp up your marketing activities during a busy season or scale down during the slow periods. An agency can help you to provide the benefits of getting adjusted easily.

What is Freelancing? 

Freelancers are individuals or independent market consultants who work on a part-time basis for a wide range of clients. In addition, you can also find freelancers who dedicate their entire time to working on a single project. The flexibility of working with a freelancer is different from what no other agency can provide. They are available even during the weekends to meet their client’s demands and needs. However, they are best for small businesses and startups with cost-effective business models and plans.

When to Consider a Freelancer?

Once you know about freelancers and their potential, it is necessary to decide when to consider them. Are they really suitable for your business type? Can they bring the desired results for your business and many more? However, freelancers have their perks and turns.


Freelancers work on a project basis for a long term. Working with them has a great advantage as they are flexible and available for a long time. They offer more flexibility in terms of working hours, which can be ideal for a specific project or task. The way of communicating is also easier with a single and one-to-one approach, which might be a bit tough in the context of an agency.

Fast Response 

As discussed earlier, since freelancing is a one-to-one model, the communication and the replies are faster. As they do not work on many projects like the agencies, they can concentrate on every particular gig. Another perk is that they don’t even have a manager to control them; as they are their own boss, they respond faster and directly without anyone’s interference.

Suppose You Own a Small Business.

Mostly, small businesses and startups opt for freelancers only. The reason behind this is they search for a cost-effective model with proper expertise. When we talk about the startup, since the business is new, they might have limited resources and tight finances. In this case, approaching a freelancer could be an affordable way with proper expertise.

Disadvantages with Freelancers

So everything has its pros and cons. As mentioned above, we discussed the benefits of hiring a freelancer for your business, but certain conditions might not suit your business.

Limited Resource 

The disadvantage of working with a freelancer is that they lack premium and advanced tools that could drive users the best results possible. In contrast, the agencies have top-notch cutting-edge solutions that could help the users to drive maximum benefits.

Security and Trust Issues

Since freelancers work with multiple clients, there are always insecurity and trust issues for the business owners to share something confidential. This is because business owners may think that freelancers do not offer standard security measures like data protection protocols, safe file-sharing platforms, and strict confidential agreements.

Risk of Inconsistency 

The risk of inconsistency is also an uncertainty faced when working with freelancers.

Since they hold various clients, their work sometimes lacks the expectations as per the business needs. In some cases, they have also left the businesses unanswered and with no accountability.

Factors to Consider While Choosing Digital Marketing Agency vs Freelancer


It is better to look after the budget before opting for the ideal service provider for yourself. If you have enough funds, then opt for the agency that provides a comprehensive strategy and expertise with top-notch and state-of-the-art technology for clients to drive amazing results. But if you are a startup or a small business that is struggling and lacks funds, then going with a freelancer is the best option as they provide expertise with minimum range and affordability.

Level of Expert You Need

When you hire an agency for your business, you get opportunities to connect with a wide range of service providers on various services like on-page SEO, off-page SEO, content writing, social media, etc. In contrast, freelancers are only experts in a particular digital marketing agency.

Scope of Your Project

Looking for your project scope is also essential before opting for digital marketing solutions. If your business is a long-term project, then considering the agency is a good option as they have top-notch facilities and an expert skill set. On the other hand, if your projects are short-term and have a quick turnaround, then a freelancer is a good choice.

Prior Experience

Looking for prior experience is also necessary whether you are hiring a freelancer or an agency. If the agency has a minimum experience of at least five years, then opting for the agency might be a good idea. The same applies to the freelancer as well. However, looking for an agency with more experience will not only help you yield results but will also provide a good experience overall.

Frequently Asked Questions Digital Marketing Agency vs Freelancer

Which Is Better, Freelancing or Digital Marketing?

The answer to this is it depends. Both have their perks and disadvantages. Look for both pros and cons while selecting the right agency for you. Also, recognise your business needs and your expectations before you hire for an agency as well as a freelancer.

Is It Worth Hiring a DM Agency?

Hiring a digital marketing agency is the best choice for your business. As they provide a wide range of services to your business, including comprehensive planning and strategies, they are a good choice for your business. Apart from just providing services, they will also explain their business models to you, like what digital marketing is or, why SEO is important for your business, etc.

Why Should You Choose an Agency over a Freelancer?

Agencies provide comprehensive and specialised services that yield higher results to their clients. They have a team of high professionals who hire an exhaustive team, scalability, with a more holistic approach.

Every choice has its advantages and disadvantages, which should be considered carefully. Freelancers offer specialised expertise and flexibility, which can be a more affordable option, whereas, on the other hand, digital marketing agencies provide a more comprehensive strategy with effective results and enhanced scalability for your business. Thus, while looking for a Digital Marketing Agency vs Freelancer, try to look at all sides.

If you are searching for someone to leverage or to expand your business, then contact GraphersDesk, one of the best digital marketing agency in Chennai for all your marketing needs.

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