10 Reasons, Why SEO Is Important for Your Business | GraphersDesk

After the global pandemic, the way businesses started operating changed. The traditional way of promoting a business has now been upgraded to digitalisation. However, promoting your business from scratch among other competitors can be challenging; here is where search engine optimisation can help you. Search Engine Optimisation, profoundly known as SEO, is a technique to promote your business on the first page of search engines to make it easily visible to your competitors. So, are you interested in learning more about SEO, how SEO work and why SEO is important for your business? If so, then read this blog to learn more.

What Is SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)

In today’s generation, where people rely on search engines to find answers to their queries, ranking your business page or website on the Top 10, i.e., on the first page of search engines, becomes indispensable, and this is one of the reasons why SEO is important for your business.

SEO is applied to rank your business page or website on the first page. SEO helps improve your business by enhancing traffic and increasing visibility. It helps small businesses target their actual audience. Through SEO, businesses can improve their visibility in search engines, enabling customers to find them easily, resulting in more website traffic, leads, and, ultimately, revenue for the business.

Benefits of SEO for Small Business

Here are some benefits that direct why SEO is important for your business.

SEO Increases Visibility and Improves Rankings

By targeting more keywords for your business, you can likely rank on them, which results in SEO visibility. Also, make sure you target the right keywords which suit your business. For example, if you have a dental clinic in Chennai, try to focus on keywords like ‘dental clinic in Chennai’ and ‘dental clinic near me’ rather than targeting ‘dental clinic in India’ as there are many dental clinics in India and no one will visit your dental clinic from Delhi to Chennai. So, make sure you plan your keywords properly.

SEO Generates Organic Traffic

SEO increases your website traffic organically. It includes several optimisation tactics that you can use in your business. For enhanced organic traffic, ensure your website’s content is optimised with proper, engaging, and attractive content, illustrative titles, and informative descriptions that give you a perfect idea of what your website is about. Good visuals are also a part of good SEO, which paves the way for better traffic to your website.

SEO Builds Authority

By crafting compelling content on your website, your users will learn about your proficiency and expertise in that particular niche and domain, which enhances your brand value and creates authority for your site.

Proper SEO techniques and content marketing strategies help leverage your authority in the global market while creating authority. Subsequently, SEO builds the authority of the business.

SEO Delivers a Better User Experience

Every user loves a user-friendly website. Ensure your website is mobile-friendly, well-designed, and quickly helps users find what they want. This is a better way to keep users on your website for longer periods and reduce bounce rates. Therefore, usability and navigation are important factors in SEO for providing businesses with exemplary results.

SEO Generate Inbound Leads

Through inbound leads, you can target your business directly or prospects who initiate contact with your business directly through a specific marketing channel. Businesses can generate inbound leads through SEO techniques, such as content marketing, social media, email marketing, webinars and online events, interactive content, and other referral programs.

How AI Impacts SEO?

When AI is included, the topic of discussion becomes a bit debatable as it has both pros and cons. So, whether AI is a boon or bane to SEO experts?

On the one hand, while it makes tasks easier through immediate results, there is also a fear of being substituted or the death of creativity among individuals. So, for a better understanding, let’s discuss the pros and cons.


Faster Research

AI helps SEO users derive faster results by providing the right keywords for the business that should be targeted. As keyword research is a very complex and time-consuming process of SEO, using AI can make your work easier by providing accurate results within a short period.

Content Optimisation

As content is king, creating engaging and compelling content is time-consuming and involves strategic planning. But with the help of AI, Generating content with natural and human tone has become more accessible. AI also helps content creators with topic selection, headlines, readability, setting the proper tone for the content, grammar, plagiarism, etc.


On-page optimisation is an important part of SEO and a crucial factor for ranking. It refers to the proper optimisation of the website through essential elements. However, AI has paved the way and enables faster website optimisation by adding title tags, meta descriptions, images, headings, links, schema markup, etc.


Job Displacement

One of the most concerning things for the SEO experts regarding the progression of AI is job displacement. AI is ten times faster and more efficient than humans, so the fear of being replaced constantly triggers people.


There is also a fear of the SEO experts that being over-reliant on AI tools will end up with their creativity and critical thinking skills, making them dependent on machines.

Hence, despite both the pros and the cons, we learn about AI’s bright sides and ill effects, but the future evolution of AI is still a question.

Most Frequently Asked Questions about Why SEO is Important for Your Business

What Is the Most Critical Ranking Factor?

In SEO, the most important Google ranking factors are webpage titles and heading tags, which represent any website’s real estate. These are the main elements that tell Google what your website is actually about.

How Do I Choose the Right Keywords for My Business?

To choose the right keywords for your business, think from the customer’s point of view. Use long-term and short-term keywords, use advanced and proper keyword research tools, analyse your competitors, etc.

How to Create SEO-Friendly Content?

Do the keyword research properly and target the essential keywords for your site. Try implementing that keyword in your blog for at least 0.5 to 2% (including the secondary keyword). Ensure the content is informative and provides a deep knowledge of the subject. Use internal linking and optimise proper images for a better ranking.

How Long Does It Take to Rank Your Site on Google?

When launching a new website, Google will take at least a year to determine whether your site should rank on Google. During this period, your business is likely to fluctuate a lot. But once you’ve reached a higher ranking, you can sustain it with minimum effort.

How Does Website Speed Affect SEO?

Website speed is one of the most important factors that affects SEO.

This is because Google prioritises sites that load faster and are considered user-friendly. If your website speed is slow, correct it, as it will negatively impact your SEO.


SEO is key to business success. I hope the blog has provided enough information about why SEO is important for your business. SEO is not only about ranking but also about making your brand visible to users who need products and services.Because it isn’t a one-time thing but an ongoing journey that takes your business on a superspeed tour at unimaginable heights!

However if you are looking for the best digital marketing agency in Chennai, GraphersDesk can help you with optimum results and growth.

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